Rising ICON #9: Lucell Hanson

What name do you prefer to be called?
Lucell (Luh-Cell)

What are your pronouns?
He, Him

Where did you grow up?
I grew up all over. I was born in Charlotte, NC, and shortly after, my dad joined the Air Force. Providing our family, the opportunity to move every 3 years and see the world.

What city are you currently based in?
I currently reside in Hopkins.

How do you typically introduce yourself to new people?
I introduce myself with a handshake. Following the handshake, I make sure to exchange names, and ask a question that goes beyond the typical “what do you do?”

What’s one thing you wish more people knew about you?
I’m one of the least serious individuals you’ll meet outside of work and responsibilities. I love to laugh and have a good time.

Who do you help?
While my goal is to help at least one person every day, my primary focus is on Black youth. It truly takes a village and it’s my responsibility to do my part. 

What are you building now?
I’m in the phase of building relationships. I’m a transplant who is still new to the community, so my primary goal is to build strong, trusting relationships with people that share similar values.

What were you building ten years ago today?
Ten years ago I was in college, focused on building myself, and shaping my identity.

What do you predict of yourself 10 years from now?
Ten years from now I will be leader in the workplace, own a small business, and have a strong presence as a servant leader in the community. I’ll also be a hell of a golfer!

What’s a fact or statistic you wish everyone knew about your industry?
The significant impact volunteering has on individuals and communities. Numerous studies have shown that volunteering has a positive effect on mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Additionally, volunteering has been shown to help young people develop a sense of purpose and empathy, as well as perform better academically.

Why do you believe the work you do matters?
I believe exposure is everything when it comes to preparing the youth for the future. By exposing them to career pathways, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy, we’re working to eliminate access, opportunity, and wealth gaps.

Who is your mentor and what is the best advice they’ve given you?
I have several mentors who’ve provided amazing personal and professional advice. As of recent, I found myself struggling with the overwhelming desire to support all of the great work being done. It wasn’t until a candid conversation with a mentor of mine that it changed. She shared with me a piece of advice that has since become a mantra in my daily life, she said, “if it’s not a hell yeah, it’s a no.” This simple, yet profound principle has significantly impacted the way I approach my commitments and has brough clarity and focus into all areas of my life.  

What piece of content about you or your company are you most proud of?
Aside from being honored as a Rising Icon, Junior Achievement Worldwide, our international headquarters, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the second year in a row. It’s an honor to be a part of an organization held in such high regard. 

What publication do you hope to appear in next?
The Business Journal, 40 under 40 would be pretty cool.

Who would you love to be interviewed by?
I would love to be interviewed by Georgia Fort, Angela Davis, and Isaiah Walker of ‘Brothers Break Bread’.

If you had to give a TEDTalk tomorrow, what would the title be?
The title would be “Engage, Expose, Ignite.”

What award would mean the most to win?
40 under 40 would be pretty cool, but I’ve never been one to chase awards.

What makes zero sense to you?
Why big and tall clothes cost so much! How’s the air at 6’7? Real expensive!

What’s a word in your industry you hope gets re-evaluated?
Volunteer. It’s straight to the point but I believe any word used for too long develops an identity and needs to be refreshed once that happens.

What game are you changing?
Youth access and empowerment.

What’s the next thing you’re a part of that you want to invite more people to participate in?
Pickleball! It’s an opportunity to develop cross-generational relationships, remain active for years without significant deterioration of the joints, and get involved during the infancy of a sport that is only going to grow. Keep a lookout for me to be involved on the business side 😉

Where can we follow you online?
Instagram - @LucellArmond
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucellhanson

What’s one thing that makes every leader better?
The ability to listen and communicate effectively. Good communication plays a crucial role in establishing trust, building relationships, and resolving conflict. 


We’re grateful to each Rising ICON for their transformative work. Thank you, Lucell, for sharing your story!

LAUREL is a media relations partner for bold leadership. We build effective strategies for scale and growth specializing in digital executive presence and go to market strategy. To follow along with the Rising ICONS series, nominate a leader or subscribe to our weekly emails below. To accelerate your own rise, get our free guide to visibility Force to ICON: the TLDR.

I believe exposure is everything when it comes to preparing the youth for the future. By exposing them to career pathways, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy, we’re working to eliminate access, opportunity, and wealth gaps.
— Lucell Hanson

Notice: It’s important for our readers to understand the origin of the interview content. The featured ICON contributed responses that were not edited from the original submission. All claims are made solely by the contributor and do not reflect the views of LAUREL or its partners. Thank you for supporting rising leaders. The future is bold.


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